Last Updated: 07/15/2024 09:13
91212T-Cell Immunodeficiency Profile [Flow Cytometry]
2860T-SPOT, Tuberculosis (TB)
2187T3 Total
2001T3 Uptake
2003T4 TOTAL
74290Tapentadol, Urine Confirmation
92160Testosterone Free LC/MS, Females or Children
90203Testosterone LC/MS, Females or Children
93847Testosterone, Bioavailable
5025Testosterone, Free + Total
93576Tetanus Antibody, IgG
92083Thiopurine Metabolites by LC-MS/MS
92101Thiopurine Methyltransferase, RBC Activity
91216Thrombin Time with Reflex to Mixing Study
14033Thrombosis Panel
90210Thyroglobulin Panel
1416Thyroid Autoantibody Group
1409Thyroid Panel I
1415Thyroid Panel II (Hyper)
1412Thyroid Panel III (Hypo)
91340Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin
91259Thyroxine Binding Globulin
2752Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody, IgA
2727Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody, IgG
2118Tobramycin, Peak
2122Tobramycin, Trough
91305TORCH Antibodies, IgG
91349TORCH Antibodies, IgM
2172Toxoplasma Antibody, IgG
2171Toxoplasma Antibody, IgG / IgM
2173Toxoplasma Antibody, IgM
74270Tramadol, Urine Confirmation
1003Treponema pallidum (Syphilis) Screening Cascade
91224Treponema pallidum (VDRL), CSF with Reflex to Titer
91225Treponema pallidum (VDRL), Serum
91210Treponema pallidum Antibody (FTA-ABS)
91209Treponema pallidum Antibody by TP-PA (MHA-TP)
2823Trichomonas RNA
91220Tricyclic Antidepressants, Quantitative, Serum or Plasma
2688Troponin T, 5th Generation
5185truSwab Panel Candida and Trichomonas Only
5234truSwab Vaginitis Panel
5235truSwab Vaginitis Panel + Trichomonas
5236truSwab Vaginitis Panel Plus
5239truSwab Vaginitis Panel Plus with M. gen
5184truSwab Vaginitis Panel without Trichomonas
91221TSH Receptor Antibody
2190TSH w/Free T4 Reflex
2090TSH, 3rd Generation
91292Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Serum

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